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Määritelmä Sublimoituminen painatusmenetelmä Beatrice Carol
When it involves garment and products decoration, sublimation printing
permits businesses to make specialised, customised pictures on demand.
The specially developed ink really bonds with the fibers in polyester clothes
or the coating on the sublimation blanks
and produce a colourful and customized image.
Sublimation is comparatively straightforward to be told. If you'll be able to
run a graphics program, print to a printer, and use a heat press you'll be able
to sublimate. The steps within the sublimation method are as follows:
1.Create and import your design.you'll be able to conjointly use specially
designed sublimation package.
2. Print your image using Sublijet Ink and one in all the sublimation printers
for that the ink has been developed. you may conjointly have to be
compelled to make certain you're using transfer paper that has been designed
for sublimation.
3. Press your transfer on to the sublimation blank you've got chosen. you'll
be able to either use as standard heat press or a mug press.
When sublimation inks are heated to 400F, they become a gas and bond for
good to 100% polyester cloth or any things with a compound coating. The
image that is still could be a premium full-color, photographic-
quality image which will not crack, peel or wash removed from the substrate.
For more information, click here: http://fayepaper.com/
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