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Menetelmät käyttää Siirto kirja Beatrice Carol
that the image is written at precisely the same size that you just need to
color it.
Cut out a bit of transfer paper at the precise same size as your reference
Gently tape the paper to the canvas. certify that the "messy" aspect of the
paper is facing down, towards your canvas, and also the "clean" aspect is
facing up. Tape the black lead paper to the canvas. creative person tape is
good as a result of it's acid-free and removes simply while not yield any
Place the reference image on prime of the paper. certify it's positioned on
the canvas specifically as you would like it. once it's positioned properly,
tape it to the canvas. take care to use creative person tape.
Double-check that the tape on the paper and also the tape on the reference
image area unit tight and secure. If the tape is loose, and either one comes
undone throughout the transfer method, it'll be very tough to induce
everything to line up specifically right again.
Now you'll be able to begin tracing! i like to recommend to try to to the
tracing with a pencil, as a result of it continuously retains a point. take
care to trace all the contours of all the objects, in addition as all the shadows
and highlights. you may additionally need to form a mark any time there is
a color modification, whether or not it's from one hue to a completely
totally different hue, or a hue that's bit by bit obtaining darker or lighter.
The vital issue is to form a mark noting each visual piece of data that you
just can ought to create your painting.
For more information ,click here: http://fayepaper.com
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