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Määritelmä Sublimoituminen Tulostaminen Sublimoituminen Paper Elaine Estelle
main styles of printing used on textiles. Digital sublimation printing doesn't
need a process program. It takes pictures from a photographic camera or
scanner and permits you to make colourful, vivid pictures directly on your
computer. you'll then use a printer with sublimation ink to print the image
onto the textile of your alternative with sublimation paper.
Digital sublimation printing transfers a picture onto material supported the
characteristic of distributed dyes which will sublimate fewer than a hundred
and fifty to 230. Then, supported the designed image, it prints distributed
dyes to a special paper. The paper with the image then faces the material,
and with the correct temperature, pressure and time, the dye is transferred
onto the material.
Businesses opt to use digital sublimation printing machines due to advancing
technology and also the way forward for innovative digital printing
development. The sublimation press machine is taken into account to be a
high-speed, cheap machine that produces sharp, vivid pictures. A
large-scale company has the flexibility to utilize a lot of machines for
production of article of clothing, swimsuits, memento things, and more.
1, The printing time is considerably shortened. It will not to
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