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Merkitys paino Paper Happy Great
print your latest family photos spreadsheet etc. But have you thought about
what paper you are about to print onto?
For the home user, the type of paper to print on is often one of the least
thought about areas of printing – but can make a huge difference in quality
and cost. However there are more than a few printer paper options available
to you. In this article we will quickly look at the most common options
available to you.
Types of Paper
Most types of printer paper can broadly be split into two categories: coated
and uncoated.
- Coated
Coated has a very thin coating on the surface. Coated papers are typically
made by applying a fine layer of an calcium carbonate or china clay to the
surface of an uncoated sheet during manufacture. This coating may be
performed more than once depending on how smooth a finished surface is
required by the manufacturer. In addition the paper will usually also be
smooth between hard rollers at the end of the process, as this will help
increase the paper sheet’s smoothness.
An additional treatment may be applied too, for instance if the paper needs
to be silk or gloss for photograph paper.
The Most Common Coated Paper Types Are:
Glossy – The most common type of photo paper, the glossy photo paper
has a glossy coat usually only on one side that has a more reflective finish
than other paper types, but because of the reflectiveness it can cause glare.
The glossy coating stops ink soaking into the paper so it sits on top and gives
sharp/vibrant colours. (You can purchase Gloss paper designed specifically
for either Inkjet and Laser printers).
Matte – Does not have a reflective coat like gloss so when printed on so the
ink penetrates into the paper and appears duller, the upside of this means it
doesn’t give of any glare.
Semi gloss or Satin – A mix and compromise of matte and glossy, has a
sheen to it but not as much glare as glossy and not as dull as matte.
In general the more coating added to a sheet generally means more
smoothness, which generally means it will hold the detail and colour better.
NB – It is also worth pointing out that adding a coating to a sheet changes
the nature of the paper in a number of ways. The most common is that it can
effect the
“thickness” of a sheet or paper. For example, an uncoated 160gsm will be
quite a stiff sheet of paper, but a 160gsm triple coated silk paper will thinner
by comparison, although both are the same weight. This is because more of
the weight of the silk paper will be taken up by the coating, which adds
surface weight but not thickness to the sheet.
- Uncoated
Uncoated paper as the name gives away is standard paper without a coating,
it is standard unfinished paper that you might use for printing letters.
Different types of uncoated paper generally have the same finish but with
different weights and quality (more on this later). Uncoated paper is normally
called a number of other names depending on the quality such as inkjet
paper, copier paper, economy paper, office paper or even just printer paper.
Specialist Paper Technologies
Many of the major printer manufacturers have invested in developing
specialist paper to work alongside their inks and toners.
There are also other specialist mediums to print onto such as:
Stickers and Labels
UV Gloss
Rough Wood Pulp
Recycled Paper
Iron on Transfers
you will need to check if your printer supports these media types.
Paper Sizes
It has the unique property that when cut or folded in half width wise, the
halves also have the same aspect ratio. Each ISO paper size is one half of
the area of the next size up. So, as an example, if you take an A3 sheet of
paper and fold it in half, you will have the size of an A4 sheet of paper.
A4 is by far the most common paper size today which measures 210mm by
297mm, this is the size of most business letters used in the UK. In the ISO
216 standard – paper sizes are: A0, A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7 & A8.
Photo Paper
When it comes to the size of photo paper for your inkjet printer, you will
often see non ISO 216 paper sizes being used.
For instance:
AGFA market a pack of Photo Premium Glossy Paper but the size is 10 cm
X 15 cm.
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