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Papereita, joihin voi tehdä Kuvia kestää eliniän Christine Cora
This kind of photo papers best used with the dye-based inks found in inkjet
tulostimet ovat paljon parantunut yli mitä Valokuvaaja had to select from
just 10 years ago. The current papers, along with the current dye-based inks,
have much improved display life spans. Images printed today on these papers
and dye-based inks will likely last well over 20 years, with some claims of
over 30. The only problem with these claims is the fact that we will likely
have no recourse in 20 to 30 years if the claims prove to be erroneous.
The expected life span of these images is no worse than what we can expect
from a print made with a photographic process at your local drug or photo
store. But, if your point is to create a print that will be with your family for
several generations, then this will likely not be the best paper for you.
The problem with these papers is analogous to the non-fibre based
photographic papers we discussed above. The manufacturing process for
paper includes acids. Without the elimination of those acids, the substrates
are doomed to discoloration and fading. Unfortunately, these inkjet papers
cannot be washed for several hours to eliminate those acids, therefore you
must turn to inkjet papers that are acid-free.
Acid Free Papers
Since we already made note that you cannot spend hours washing the papers
that you put through your inkjet printer, you must depend on others to do the
washing for you.
There are numerous third-party paper manufacturers that produce similar
acid-free papers. It is during the manufacturing process that these papers
have been subjected to extended washing and acid-neutralization materials.
These buffering agents, frequently calcium bicarbonate or magnesium
bicarbonate, will build up a buffering reserve in the paper. This reserve is
needed to ensure that the paper maintains its acid-free state after it ships.
Some data indicates that these "alkaline" papers, that is the papers that have
been treated with some form of carbonate, could have a life span of 500 to
1,000 years. This seems likely to be a point that will be of little concern to
the average photographer.
If your printer will accept thicker substrates, there is no need to purchase a
vendor-specific, acid-free paper. The owner’s manual and user guide for your printer
will specify the thickness your printer can handle. You can go to your local
art store and check out its many acid-free papers. These can also go by the
description of “rag paper” or “museum paper.” They may have varying
amounts of linen or cotton and may have any number of finishes to their
surface. Depending on what effect you are looking for with your picture,
this is an alternative to the printer vendor's papers. You might find a paper
that you like, but it is sized larger than the print you plan to create. In this
case, you must get it professionally cut to size, which incurs yet anothercost.
This is the crux of creating your own photographic history. Without these
papers, in conjunction with a printer that uses pigmented inks, your images
stand diminished chances of passing into history intact.
For more information ,click here: http://fayepaper.com/
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