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Siirto kirja on helppo Kuvien siirtäminen Christine Cora
help is here. Transfer paper can be used to transfer patterns, photocopies,
or drawings to bisque ware as ink. It’s essentially a 9-inch square paper
substrate embedded with one of six colors: black, green, blue, teal, brown,
and rose. All of the colors except rose have a firing range of cone 06–8. The
rose color can only be fired to cone 06 as it burns out at higher temperatures.
The mixture applied to the sheets also contains wax, which helps bind it to
the paper. The sheets are flexible, and can be used on curved surfaces as
well as flat tiles or plates. Like applying any other paper pattern to a clay
vessel, there are limits to the flexibility and coverage over a round surface,
so, depending on your form, it may be necessary to trim or dart the Graffito
Paper or apply the pattern in sections. Experiment with cutting plain paper
to fit your forms first before trimming your image and the Graffito Paper to
Once you have a pattern selected, cut it to size, and make registration marks
on it that extend to the edge of the paper. Attach the Paper to the back of
your pattern or image using painters tape, which adheres well and is also is
easier to remove without leaving residue or damaging your paper pattern.
Either side of the Paper transfers the underglaze, but most of the tests shown
were done with the darker side laid against the piece as it seemed more
saturated with the color. Next, lay the pattern over the bisqued piece and
secure it with tape. Once the image is in place, extend the registration marks
from the paper to the piece. Using a slightly dull pencil, ball point pen or
the larger ball end of a tool, trace over your pattern, pressing firmly. I tested
used a sgraffito tool , a pencil, and a ball point pen. Using the pencil or pen
gives you the benefit of knowing where you left off with a line, while a
sgraffito tool keeps the original image legible for longer, allowing for more
tracings from the same print out. Be careful to keep the sgraffito tool in
constant contact with the piece while you work, so as not to miss an area.
It’s important to finish tracing the drawing before removing the paper. If
you need to peek at your progress, lift only one edge of the papers up and
peel it away slowly so that the drawing transfers properly to the piece.. Lay
the paper back down carefully, smoothing any creases. Make sure that the
registration lines on the paper match those on the surface again before you
continue to trace your pattern. When transferred, the image may need some
clean up where extra underglaze has pulled away from the transfer paper.
Use a sharp tool to remove any excess (figure 4). Once your design is
finished, fire the piece to 500°F to burn off the wax and set the transferred
image or design. If you can’t do this type of firing, the piece can also be
fired to bisque temperatures again to set the underglaze pattern.It shows
the transferred image after a bisque- set firing on the left, and after a glaze
firing on the right.
When glazing, any application method that you normally use will work
with the Paper transfer. Just be sure to use either a clear or transparent
glaze, otherwise your image will be obscured by the glaze once the piece is
fired. Depending on how firmly you press down when tracing over your
image, the finished result can be solid and clean, or can retain the feeling
of old mimeograph illustrations or text from carbon copy forms. A glossy
glaze would give a sharper image.
For more information, please click here: http://fayepaper.com/
If you’ve ever wanted to transfer designs or trace patterns onto a surface,
help is here. Transfer paper can be used to transfer patterns, photocopies,
or drawings to bisque ware as ink. It’s essentially a 9-inch square paper
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