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Miten saada valokuvia Photo Paper Christine Cora
taunting you from your shelf. You could swear you once heard it wimper
into the cold, dark night, "Make photos with me!" But, alas, you have no
dark room or chemicals with which to make prints!
What you need
1, Objects that you can use to make an image.
2, The sun or a lamp Any size black & white photo paper.
3, A dark room (any room where you can completely block out light).
4, A light proof box big enough to fit your photo paper - an old photo
paper box.
5, A sheet of glass that fits over your photo paper (optional).
STEP 1: Plan Your Photo
Decide what you want your photo to look like. Think about how
photograms work - if your object is opaque, then your image will look like
a solid shape. If it's a little transparent, the image will have texture.
We used leaves, flowers, and our hand, but you can pretty much use
anything - paper cut-outs, confetti, plastic toys, ribbon … yep, anything!
You can even make tiny prints out of film negatives. The bigger the
negative, the bigger the print. You can also add drawings or text to your
photogram by using mylar (a clear plastic sheet) or transparency sheets
and markers.
STEP 2: Light Proof Your Paper
Find the darkest room in your house. Closets or bathrooms without
windows work best. You can also block out windows with dark fabric.
Just make sure it's dark enough that you can't see your hand in front of
your face. You're working with photo paper, and it's very sensitive to light.
Gather your photo paper (we used 5″ x 7″ Ilford Multigrade RC in Satin,
but any kind should work), your photo subjects, and your light-proof box.
Take them into your chamber o' photo-makery a.k.a. the dark room you just prepared.
Before you turn out the lights, memorize where you've placed everything
on your work surface. You'll be using them in the dark.
STEP 3: Prepare Your Paper
When you're set, turn off the lights.
Now that it's pitch-black, it's safe to open up your box of photo paper. Take out one sheet and
place it inside your light proof box.
Compose your photo subjects onto the page. This is what's going to make
up your image! Once you're done, close your lightproof box again.
Before you turn the lights on again, double check that your box of photo
paper is closed, as well as your lightproof box with your single sheet of
photo paper in it (so you don't expose all that paper!).
STEP 4: Prepare Your Light
You can choose between exposing your photo with the sun or with a lamp.
Your exposure time will vary depending on which you go with, so keep that
in mind.
Take your lightproof box with your one photo sheet in it to where you'll be
exposing your photo. If you're using the sun, you can take it directly
outside or you can set it by a window that gets direct sunlight.
If you're using a lamp, you'll be placing it right under that lamp where
the light evenly hits the entire sheet.
Open your lightproof box, and double check that your composition is just
how you want it.
TIP!: You might want to use a sheet of glass to flatten your objects. This
makes the edges of your image sharper. An easy way to get a sheet of glass
is by using the glass that comes in a photo frame.
STEP 5: Make an Exposure
Now that you have everything in place, you'll wait for the photo to expose!
In bright midday sunlight, 30 minutes to an hour should give you a decent
STEP 6: Scan It Before It Disappears!
STEP 7: Edit As You Please
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