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Pettymys iPhone 6s pysyy 16GB mukaan Linsay Camon
OnAugust 28, @Steve Hemmerstoffer on Twitter broke the box with the iPhone of a suspected 16GB 6s on the map, fromexposure, we can clearly see the "16GB" and "iPhone 6s", once again confirms the previously reported iPhone 6s will haveversion 16GB.
It On tunnettua, että Apple käyttöön viime vuonna, 64GB ja 128 Gt versiot the iPhone with iPhone 6 Plus 6, Generalconfiguration 32GB start of the current Android phones, even the flagship machine in 64GB, but the next-generation iPhonewill retain the original specification of 16GB storage space.It is understood that the new iPhone will use Toshiba's Flash memory chip, the chip capacity is 16GB, 19 nm processmanufactured.Perhaps Apple has its oma näkökohdat, 16GB versio the iPhone will push users into buying larger capacity 64GB and128GB versions of iPhone.16GB iPhone on päällä, jälkeen all, it's just 12GB, then fill several large games, storage memory stretched some audio files,which show the advantages of large-capacity iPhone. Accordingly, large-capacity iPhone prices will be higher.
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