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Apple Mac OS X ja iOS Päivitä esikatselu WWDC 2015 Blake Zoe
The name of the latest OS X 10.11 is El Capitan, which enhances window management, built-in apps and Spotlight search, and makes launching apps or accessing email and such activities faster and more responsive. Apple also integrated its breakthrough graphics technology Metal into El Capitan to deliver system-wide performance gains and enable games and pro apps to tap into the full power of Mac graphics processors. The new release iOS 9 will make iOS devices more intelligent and proactive with powerful search and improved Siri features - all without compromising users’ privacy. New multitasking features designed specifically for iPad allow users to work with two apps simultaneously. It has split and picture-in-picture view to let users can keep watching a video while browsing the web, composing email or using any other apps. However, not everything is supported on all iPads - some are only on the iPad Air onward, and split-screen is only on the iPad Air 2. As the first major software update for Apple Watch, WatchOS 2 is giving developers the tools to build faster and more powerful apps running natively on Apple Watch. Starting now, developers can take advantage of innovative hardware features of Apple Watch. It’s not hard to notice that this year’s OS preview is more like a small update compared with the large-scale upgrade at WWDC 2014, after which the sales volume of iPhone took a dramatic increase and pushed the performance of the company from a high level to a higher level. But behind the great changes are also various flaws in details. iOS 8 was reported lots of bugs. the well-known developer, Marco Arment - founder of Instapaper, has publicly criticized that Apple introduced new products each year to go after commercial purposes while ignoring the details of products, compromising its previous culture of pursuing the perfect product. Thus, after achieved great commercial success, Apple chose to slow its pace this year by paying more attention on enhancing the experience of the previous software platform. This year's iOS 9 and Mac OS can only be regarded as small improvements rather than a major platform upgrade. El Capitan is now open to developers and the beta version will be officially launched in July, but users can upgrade for free this fall. After Apple’s Mac OS new release, Macgo will update its products line, such as Mac Blu-ray Player and Mac Media Player for better user experience. Macgo team will work hard to launch an update soon after Apple’s new Mac OS release to provide better Blu-ray entertainment for users who would like to play Blu-ray on Mac OS X 10.11. By that time, Macgo Mac Blu-ray Player would be an excellent choice for them to play Blu-ray Disc, Blu-ray ISO files, Blu-ray Menu, and BDMV folder on Mac. Users can download Macgo Mac Blu-ray Player here to try their Blu-ray resources. Also a Blu-ray drive is needed to play Blu-ray discs. Macgo can recommend a powerful Blu-ray drive that works well with its products to users. Related Links: Macgo Mac Blu-ray Player: http://www.macblurayplayer.com/features.htm Download Macgo Mac Blu-ray Player: http://www.macblurayplayer.com/user/download/Mac_Bluray_Player.dmg Macgo recommend Blu-ray drive: http://www.macblurayplayer.com/macgo-bluray-player-drive.htm About Macgo: Macgo International Limited offers the first and best Mac Blu-ray Player, Windows Blu-ray Player Software, Mac Media Player, and a series of iPhone tools for users, such as iPhone Cleaner for Mac, Mac iPhone Data Recovery, iPhone Explorer for mac. Macgo is devoted to provide the most wonderful Blu-ray experience and to optimize iOS devices for users.
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