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Hyviä menetelmiä poistaa liimajäänteet. Ruby Dai
stickers, there will be residue left in the car or on car outer surface. You can not peel it off or scrape with hard object.
What to do?
Learned by doing, the following two methods are found good: remove with Alcohol. Use a soft cloth dipped in sufficient
amount of 95% alcohol, then gently wipe stickers. The stickers will easily soften out, while alcohol generally will not damage
plastic parts or the paint car surface. But sometimes you’ll find alcohol is ineffective to some stickers. Then you can use a
soft cloth dipped in a little gasoline and wipe stickers. Attention, because gasoline can dissolve some plastics or oil paint,
so you should care when use this method and the cleaning time must be short. I have tried to wipe the car surface with
gasoline in a short time and there was no obvious influence to car surface paint. In this case, the stickers can be easily removed. Is there a method to remove the adhesive residue on the door? Some decorations are attached to the door with strong adhesive tape. Later removed, there is a lot of residue left on the door. You can use gasoline or kerosene to erase the residue. Or you can buy No. 1200 water sand paper, spray water and wiped stains, and then buy a can of clear varnish, dilute with banana oil to brush the door to make it bright again. Do not use nail polish remover to wipe the door. It can remove the residue, but will also damage the door surface. Method to remove the residue of protective film. Scrap the protective film with small blade and then wipe with benzine. If the residue is on frosted glass, then need to wipe with oil of turpentine. Nowadays, itseliimautuvia suojakalvo ilman liima /liimaa on keksitty. Ei tarvitse pelätä jäämien tahansa more. Method to remove stickers trademark labels are on most new stainless steel pots or glassware. After removal of the label, the residue of adhesive is very difficult to remove. Wiping with a damp cloth or small knife tends to leave residue. Through repeated practice, I summed up some tips to share with you. For adhesive marks on a hard surface, we can coat oil-free kynsilakka poistavan nesteen pinnalla, sitten pyyhi kanssa pehmeällä liinalla. Teollinen alkoholi tai bensiiniä voidaan myös käyttää puhdistamaan jäännöksen. If the adhesive gets on your skin, you can use lemon juice to clear. In addition, the hand cream can also be used to remove adhesive residue. Hand cream contains a lot of water (generally over 70%). The water contains a certain amount of surface active agent. The surface active agent has good capacity of wetting, penetration and solubility. It can quickly penetrate into between the adhesive and the surface, so achieve the purpose of removal. You can also find a number of similar products, such as facial cream, cleanser, detergent, which have the same effect.
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