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Paperityypit voimme Valitse varten Heat Muki Paina Happy Great
Dye sublimation printing needs specialised instrumentality to print then
transfer the look onto the mug. Special sublimation ink should be used,
in printers with giant enough spray nozzles to accommodate the ink. This
ink is written on specially coated sublimation paper, that is specifically used
for warmth press transfers because it properly releases the ink once heated
and doesn't permit the paper to soak up the ink throughout printing.
Iron-on paper isn't identical, and can not add a mug heat press.
Paper Cutter
Since the mugs employed in heat press transfers area unit typical
coffee-mug size, the transfer paper accustomed print and transfer the
look should be cut all the way down to work the dimensions and form
of the mug properly. a normal cutting implement can work to trim the
surplus paper from the look and permit the paper to suit into the mug heat
press properly.
Mug Dye Sublimation
Once the look is written and also the paper cut to the correct size, it is time
to use the look to your mug. The mugs employed in dye sublimation area
unit a special sort, and contain a special chemical compound coating on
the surface. It's this coating that the ink bonds with, and not the particular
surface of the mug itself. The ink changes from a solid to a gas owing to
the applying of warmth and pressure, and this gas permeates the chemical
compound coating of the mug to transfer the look.
To Lue lisää, klikkaa tässä: http: //fayepaper.com/
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