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Kuinka tehdä Lippalakki With Siirto kirja Beatrice Carol
2, Acquire or manufacture enough transfer material to hide the complete
hat. 2 totally written 8-by-10 sheets ought to be enough.
3, Measure every section of the hat with a tapeline. The hat could be a
series of triangles stitched along during a dome form, additionally to the
4, Mark the scale of every section on the reverse aspect of the
transfer paper. Connect the points of every triangle to make the
complete perimeter of every section.
5, Repeat the method for the brim of the cap, that could be a broad,
slightly arched form. live round the outer reaches of the brim, first.
6, Hold the tapeline perpendicular to the bill, flat against the cap, to
live the fourth aspect of the bill. it'll be tough to induce Associate in
Nursing correct measuring if you hold the tapeline down flat on prime
of the bill as a result of the tapeline is straight, however the road you're
measure is are cuate.
7, Cut every section out of the paper.
8, Lay the hat as flats as doable to facilitate ironing. you'll work one
section at a time, thus you merely need to worry regarding keeping one
section wholly flat at any given time. acting at the sting of the board might
create that easier.
9, Line-up a chunk of transfer material with its corresponding section on
the hat. Hold the new iron to the rear aspect of the transfer to start the
transferring method.
10, Follow the manufacturer's directions to see however long to iron every
11, Remove the iron from the hat. permit the transfer
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